
Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 13

Day 13


Galatians 3:3 Amplified version


"Are you so foolish and so silly? Having begun [your new life spiritually] with the (Holy) Spirit, are you now reaching perfection [by dependence] on the flesh?"


Whatever God wants for us is made evident in His Word. His Word reveals, or is, His Will. Whatever He wants us to be or do is in His Word. He cannot ask us to be or do anything without providing what is needed to accomplish the task. (No sane person would ask a toddler to change a tire or an adult to make a cake with no ingredients available. When one is asked to do something, it is obvious that the one doing the asking believes that the one being asked has the capability of carrying out the request.)

So, when we find ourselves struggling to do or be what we believe God wants, we may have to face the fact that we do not have the innate ability to accomplish God's plan for us. Yet we do have the ability outside ourselves. Hear words recorded in scripture: "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength", "The Lord is the strength of my life", "For by thee I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped over a wall."

Let us commit to God what we desire to accomplish and then confess it by faith. We can call it done as a way of accepting that He has heard our prayer and answered, because He is faithful.


I commit my desires to God and believe He is working in me to accomplish them. I believe and ,therefore I confess that it is so. I live by faith.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 12

Day 12


Galatians 3:3 amplified version

"Are you so foolish and so silly? Having begun [your new life spiritually] with the (Holy) Spirit, are you now reaching perfection [by dependence] on the flesh?"


Man's attempt to reach God is religion. God's reaching down to bring man up is what Jesus came for - to restore  relationship between God and man. It is "relationship" we must pursue, not "reli­ gion." With religion, we work hard to be good and please God, depending on our innate abilities. When we respond out of our relationship with God, we cooperate with what He has done and is doing. We put confidence in His righteousness and the strength He gives us. To do this, we must walk by faith, because we are using power not tangible to our physical senses.

Paul said in II Corinthians 4:13 NIV,  "It  is written:   'I  believed; therefore  I  have  spoken.'  With  the same  spirit  of  faith,   we also believe and therefore speak." We speak, or confess, because we believe, not because we see it or have contact with something through our natural senses.

In our attempt to please God, we must commit all our concerns to Him and, believing He is perfecting those things that concern us, confess our faith. If we need help with our mouths, for example, after committing this area to God in faith, we make declarations such as, "My speech is always with grace and I always answer appropriately." This confession is based on Colossians 4:6. All our confessions should be based on God's Word.


I will depend on the Holy Spirit to help me live a life that is pleasing to God. After committing my concerns to God, I will make confessions of faith in line with God's Word. I have a spirit of faith.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 11


Day 11

Joshua 1:12 NIV

 "But to the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Mannasseh, Joshua said,"


This verse is a solemn reminder that there is a "second choice" that God will allow us to have. It will not be bad. It just will not be the best. These tribes settled for land they deemed 'good enough' for them and their families. They even agreed to help their brethren possess the promised land, while they took what they chose to be their inheritance.

We must determine to go all the way with God to be in His will. Bear in mind that He allows us to choose our destiny, including an alternative to His plan that will not be bad. It just won't be what He prepared for us.

What caused the tribes to choose the land on the sunrise side of Jordan? They saw it on the way to Caanan. They were distracted by something that looked good and were moved by what they saw. They were not walking by faith. They were not doing evil, but they were not walking by faith either.

To reach the promised land, we must bypass  what appears to be satisfactory alternatives: ALMOST HEALTHY, ALMOST WELL, PRETTY PROSPEROUS, NOT TOO MUCH LACK, A DECENT RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD AND FAMILY, A FAIRLY GOOD KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORD, etc. We must press for the mark, ignoring the distractions that are not bad, to proceed with what is best. How sad it is to teach and help others reach for and attain the highest, only to have them wave at us below and express their gratitude for how we helped them get over.


will  not be the "Reubenites,  the Gadites, and  the  half-tribe  of Manasseh" in the Body of Christ. I am going all the way to God's promised land. I will have and experience God's best for me. I will ignore distractions and press for the mark. I will do all God asks and receive all He gives. I want "my mountain."




Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 10


Day 10

Joshua 1:8 amplified version

 "This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it;.."

 The purpose of Joshua speaking God's words and meditating them was so he might observe and do what God said. It is not the mere repeating of words or contemplating them that would give him success, but the being a doer of them. Isaiah 1:19 (amplified) says, "If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land." Obedience is the path to God's blessings, and having constant aware­ness of God's word enables us to be more obedient. The psalmist said in Psalm 119:ll (NIV) "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."

We must commit the scriptures to memory and recall them ­continually to keep us on the right path. When we are not doing as well as God desires, we can examine our behavior in the areas of contem­plating, speaking, or rehearsing, and in doing.


I commit God's words to memory and contemplate and recall them continually, that I may be a doer of them. As a result, I deal wisely and have good success.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 9

Day 9

Joshua 1:8 NIV

 "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful"



The latter part of Joshua I :8, amplified version, says, "...and then you shall deal wisely and have good success." This is how we measure whether or not the former part of this verse is operative in our lives, or to what degree it is operative. Keep in mind that God said good success. All success is not good.

Good success begins with God - a harmonious relationship with Him. It includes true blessings that do not bring misery with them (Prov. 10:22). It fmishes with works that abide and qualify for heav­ enly reward (I Cor. 3:12-14).

The more we become one with God's Word, the more we will make wise choices, and thus, experience good success.


I speak God's Word. I meditate on it day and night with the intentions of being a doer of it. Consequently, I make my way prosperous. I deal wisely and experience good success.



Come Up Higher, Vol.1 | Day 8

Day 8


Joshua 1:8 NIV

 "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful"


Some people think meditating upon God's Word brings success. It can bring success, but only indirectly. Joshua was not told to meditate God's Word to be successful. He was told to meditate it in order to do what was written in it. In other words, he was to have a heart for obedience to God. It was his obedience to God that would make him prosperous and successful. So, meditation plays a part, but motives must be right.

When the success and prosperity God provided for His people began to be widely proclaimed, it came to people who were already committed to being obedient. God wanted His dedicated people, upon whom He would depend to get the gospel to the ends of the earth, to possess the prosperity that was theirs, so His will could be done on the earth. Also, like any father that loves his family, God enjoys bless­ing His children.

When people who were not committed and had not surrendered their lives began to hear about God's prosperity, they got on the band wagon only for the benefits. Like Simon, the sorcerer, they had wrong motives and wanted the blessings without surrendering their lives to the blesser.

As a result of seeing much abuse, the honest children of God turned away from His message of success for fear of being lumped together with the greedy and carnal Christians. We must be careful not to allow Satan to discourage us from receiving what God has pro­ vided for us. He can show us bad examples and cause us not to.see what God wants us to see.

When we are doers of the Word, success and prosperity come to us. If we don't know this and claim it, then whatever God sends our way to glorify Him, to further His Kingdom, can slip through our fingers and be wasted by the ungodly. We must keep a clean heart and possess the land in the name of Jesus.

Prosperity includes having more than enough, so we can always be a blessing. It means accomplishing things that not only help us, but others as well.

Success is doing what God wants us to do on a continual basis and doing it well, as He helps us. It is accomplishing God-given goals continually. Success is not a destination. It is a journey.

Let us meditate God's Word so that it becomes a part of us so strongly, that it dictates how we live. Then, when prosperity and success come to us, let us gratefully accept it and use it to glorify Our Lord. If the enemy attempts to steal what is ours, remember that we have authority over him and resist him, in Jesus' name. God says the earth is His, and He has given it to us. If there is an enemy, then what belongs to us will not come by passiveness. Sometimes we must aggressively take it, as Joshua and the Israelites did. So, meditate, do, and possess.


I will meditate God's Word to do be a doer of it,and I will be prosperous and successful.




Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 8

Day 8


Joshua 1:8 NIV

 "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful"

 Some people think meditating upon God's Word brings success. It can bring success, but only indirectly. Joshua was not told to med­itate God's Word to be successful. He was told to meditate it in order to do what was written in it. In other words, he was to have a heart for obedience to God. It was his obedience to God that would make him prosperous and successful. So, meditation plays a part, but motives must be right.

When the success and prosperity God provided for His people began to be widely proclaimed, it came to people who were already committed to being obedient. God wanted His dedicated people, upon whom He would depend to get the gospel to the ends of the earth, to possess the prosperity that was theirs, so His will could be done on the earth. Also, like any father that loves his family, God enjoys bless­ ing His children.

When people who were not committed and had not surrendered their lives began to hear about God's prosperity, they got on the band wagon only for the benefits. Like Simon, the sorcerer, they had wrong motives and wanted the blessings without surrendering their lives to the blesser.

As a result of seeing much abuse, the honest children of God turned away from His message of success for fear of being lumped together with the greedy and carnal Christians. We must be careful not to allow Satan to discourage us from receiving what God has pro­ vided for us. He can show us bad examples and cause us not to.see what God wants us to see.

When we are doers of the Word, success and prosperity come to us. If we don't know this and claim it, then whatever God sends our way to glorify Him, to further His Kingdom, can slip through our fingers and be wasted by the ungodly. We must keep a clean heart and possess the land in the name of Jesus.

Prosperity includes having more than enough, so we can always be a blessing. It means accomplishing things that not only help us, but others as well.

Success is doing what God wants us to do on a continual basis and doing it well, as He helps us. It is accomplishing God-given goals continually. Success is not a destination. It is a journey.

Let us meditate God's Word so that it becomes a part of us so strongly, that it dictates how we live. Then, when prosperity and success come to us, let us gratefully accept it and use it to glorify Our Lord. If the enemy attempts to steal what is ours, remember that we have authority over him and resist him, in Jesus' name. God says the earth is His, and He has given it to us. If there is an enemy, then what belongs to us will not come by passiveness. Sometimes we must aggressively take it, as Joshua and the Israelites did. So, meditate, do, and possess.


I will meditate God's Word to do be a doer of it,and I will be prosper­ous and successful



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 7

Day 7


Ephesians 6:16 NIV


"In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one."


Every plan, every intent of the enemy will fail. He will not achieve his goals. It may appear he has won - just like it appeared he won at Calvary. However, what appeared to be a victory for him actually turned out to be a major defeat.

The shield of faith is the faith of God we use to protect ourselves from the attacks of the enemy, which are intended to injure us. The faith of God is based on the Word of God. Therefore, we can only use this faith when we have "Word" connected with it. If God says, "they will persecute you," then faith cannot quench that. Faith does not go contrary to God's word. However, faith can be used to overcome the persecution and win, because God's Word says in all these things we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:35-37). So, although faith cannot stop persecution and other things we are told we will experi­ence, faith is still active in the midst of those circumstances to make us ultimately victorious.

Paul and Silas were persecuted, but through their suffering, God wrought a mighty miracle. He not only delivered them from jail and gave them safe passage to their next destination, but he also caused the jailer and his household to be saved. (Who knows how many lives were affected as the jailer continued to tell his story of conversion?) The bottom line is, whether we are persecuted or not, all attempts of the enemy to defeat us will fail as we walk by faith - as we employ our faith as a shield.


With my shield of faith, I put out the fire of every dart, or arrow, the devil shoots at me, and I am consequently unharmed. Every plan of the enemy against me fails.




Come Up Higher, Vol.1 | Day 6

Day 6


John 15:15 NIV

 "I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you."

When we begin to have an instinctive perception of what the Master is doing, we move from strictly a "servant" status to a "friend­ship" status. We should prefer to be friends of the Lord.

A friend more quickly recognizes what his friend is doing, because of all the intimate information previously disclosed to him. Because of prior knowledge about important things, he can put "two and two together." Or, he just has a feel for that person and can tell what they are thinking, or what they are up to. Friends are also more informed than acquaintances, because people tell their friends about their plans.

Abraham was informed about God's plan to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. He was classified as a friend of God. Abraham was not living in Sodom. His nephew, Lot, who was classified as a righteous person -  meaning he had some type of relationship with God- was a resident of the twin cities. Yet Lot was not informed of God's plans when Abraham was. It was the mercy of God that caused Lot to be rescued just in time. However, Abraham was informed earlier and was given the privilege of negotiating with God over the matter.


I am a friend of Jesus. He tells me everything.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 5


Volume - Day 5                                      

Scripture: Job 31:1a Amplified version

 "I dictated a covenant - an agreement - to my eyes..."

 We must make a decision to set our spiritual eyes on God's Word. We must dictate to our natural senses, so they do not hinder, or dis­courage us. Elisha, after learning that the Syrian armies were approaching his house to capture him, chose to turn his attention to the armies of Heaven, who were defending him. He knew the Syrians were no match for his protectors. As a result, he experienced peace, calmness, control and, most of all, victory!

The Word of God says in Revelation 12:11 NIV, "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony..." This indicates that these saints focused on the powers made available to them by God, rather than the devil's seemingly strong attempts to defeat them.

We should carefully examine our choices and make a quality decision to take the divine approach offered us by God. Choose life. Choose blessing. Since we have no innate power to guarantee either, we will be choosing to cooperate with God, thereby receiving both. How do we cooperate? As Amos wrote, "Do two walk together, unless they have agreed to do so?" (Amos 3:3 NIV) There must be agreement. To agree with God includes contemplating what He says about a thing and rejecting anything to the contrary. If our direction ever disagrees with God, to continue walking with Him, we must change, since He will not.


I wlll focus on and contemplate God's Word, rather than any circum­stance that goes contrary to the Word.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 4

Volume 1- Day 4


Scripture: Job 31:1a Amplified version

 "I dictated a covenant - an agreement - to my eyes..."

 The spiritual parallel to the concept of making a covenant with the physical eyes about physical things is to make a covenant with the spiritual eyes about spiritual things. This concept can greatly affect our faith. II Corinthians 4:18 (Kenneth S. Wuest translation) says, "While we are not contemplating the things that are seen, but the things which are not seen, for the things which are not seen are eternal." The KJV says, "While we look not at the things which are seen..."

We can dictate to our minds to focus on the greater realities instead of the lesser ones. God always has an answer to our chal­lenges. To focus on the challenge with only natural thinking can create an impossible or, at least, difficult situation - a real problem. Disgust, discouragement and dismay can result from this approach. How futile and unnecessary this common practice can be. As one songwriter wrote: "Oh! what peace we often forfeit, oh, what need­less pains we bear!" Since God always has an answer, as evidenced in II Corinthians 10:13, we should focus on Him through reliance on His Word, communion with the Holy Spirit and the confession of our faith.

I wlll focus on the solution to every problem - God and His Word.





Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 3

Volume 1- Day 3


Scripture: Job 31:1a Amplified Classic Version

 "I dictated a covenant - an agreement - to my eyes..."

 The pocket Webster School and Office Dictionary gives the fol­lowing definitions for the word dictate:

1.  (verb) to express (words) orally so that another may take the words down in writing 2. to command expressly 3. to impose or set forth (order, terms, etc.) with or as with authority and finality, or arbi­trarily 4. to make (something) necessary or inescapable; require.

Job made a quality decision about what he would look at. He was a man of integrity and considered it mandatory that he keep his word to himself, even though this was a private decision. It seemed unrea­sonable to him to entertain making any changes about that which he had already determined not to do. We are observing a certain attitude of a man who was not 'born again,' since that experience was not available; or 'spirit-filled,' since that dispensation had not come in. However, he had self respect and an awesome fear, or reverence, of Almighty God that definitely affected his behavior.

Obviously, just being 'born again,' 'spirit-filled' and having whatever else is available is not sufficient to give us the quality of character Job had. Regardless of what we have available, nothing eliminates the need for integrity of heart, a fear of God, godly self­ respect, and the ability to make quality decisions.


I have integrity of heart. I reverence God. I have godly self-respect. I make quality decisions and see them through.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | DAY 2

Volume 1- Day 2

Scripture: Daniel 4:17 NIV


 This decision is announced by messengers, the holy ones declare the verdict, so that the living may know that the Most High is sov­ereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he wishes and sets over them the lowliest of men."


It is so important that we realize that God is to be credited for all the good things of life. No sweet apple owes its sweetness to itself. No swan can boast of its beauty as an accomplishment. All things were created by God and for His pleasure. Although there are special endowments of supernatural abilities from time to time, even natural abilities are traced back to the handi­work of the Creator of all things. Nothing good is the result of haphazard evolution. Everything that works well and looks well is the result of a specific plan, deliberately set in motion by the Almighty in the beginning.

Even Jesus did not credit his innate abilities for the marvelous works He did. Although He knew He was God manifested in the flesh, He gave the Father all credit for the works He performed.


I will daily give God praise for all He does in me, for me and through me.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | DAY 1

Volume 1 - Day 1

Scripture: Daniel 4:14-17 NIV


"He called in a loud voice: 'Cut down the tree and trim off its branches; strip off its leaves, and scatter its fruit. Let the animals flee from under it, and the birds from its branches. But let the stump of its roots, bound with iron and bronze, remain in the ground, in the grass of the field.

Let him be drenched with the dew of heaven, and let him live with the animals among the plants of the earth. Let his mind be changed from that of a man and let him be given the mind of an animal till seven times pass by for him.

This decision is announced by messengers, the holy ones declare the verdict, so that the living may know that the Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he wishes and sets over them the lowliest of men."

This passage is about Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, who set up a golden image for everyone under his jurisdiction to worship. He boasted of his own greatness until God humbled him and made him to know that all true greatness comes from God alone. God is the sov­ereign ruler of the universe and can set up one and put down another at His discretion.

We must remain humble before God, recognizing that He is the source of our strength, wisdom and abilities. If we do not, He will allow that which makes us look good to be taken from us, to remind us of who is "Boss." Nebuchadnezzar thought he had built his kingdom by the might of his power and for the honor and glory of his majesty. He had to be driven to the fields and eat grass like an ox to realize that even his natural mind was God-given. He had to realize that everyone who had risen to power was accountable to the God of Heaven for what they did with it.

There is no need for us to have to suffer humiliation. We can just humble ourselves on a continual basis.

I will humble myself before God continually, recognizing that He is my source. I owe all the credit to Him for all the good in me




Come Up Higher, Vol. 2 | Day 96

Day 96


Ephesians 1:18


"The eyes of your understanding being enlightened: that ye may know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,"


Paul told the church at Ephesus that he prayed for their spiritual understanding, so they would know the hope they had been called to and the riches of the glorious inheritance  Jesus had in the saints. We do not have to understand everything we  act on, but understanding does help us. Sometimes,  understanding will determine whether or not we act properly. Lack of understanding can cause us not to respond when we should. It can also cause us to do the wrong things. Understanding is valuable.

Jesus said in Matthew 13:19 that when a person hears the Word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the devil snatches away the Word that was sown in his heart. On the other hand, He said in the 23rd verse that the one who understands the Word will bear fruit.

Reading can help us gather knowledge. Meditation and study, combined with prayer, will produce understanding of the knowledge we obtain. Knowledge alone is not very helpful. Furthermore, it can be harmful without understanding and wisdom.

Let us seek to increase in knowledge and understanding. This means we should not hurriedly gather information in quantity only. We should take more time to get understanding of what we learn.

I will pray before and while I study and mediate God's Word. I will increase in knowledge and understanding and be fruitful.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 2 | Day 95

Day 95


Psalm 119: 98-99


"Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies: for they are ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation."


The psalmist claimed that meditating God's Word increased his wisdom and understanding. He was wiser than his enemies and had more understanding than his teachers. He did nothing difficult to accomplish that. However, he had to be diligent.

We can increase our wisdom to whatever degree  we desire. It depends on how much effort we are willing to  put forth. Our understanding can grow if we are not lazy. Sometimes our understanding of one thing depends on our having clarity in another area. Like the psalmist, if we love wisdom, we must make meditating and studying God's Word a priority.

Let us ingest the Word at least as many times in a day as we ingest physical food. We make sure we eat to keep  our bodies healthy and strong. That is a priority for us. We should consider our spiritual health and strength no less important. As a matter of fact, we need to keep in mind that good spiritual health and strength will positively affect our physical well-being.


I will give attention to the Word of God daily, at least as many times as I feed my body. I will be healthy  and  strong, both spiritually and physically.




Come Up Higher, Vol. 2 | Day 94

Day 94


James 3:13 NIV


"Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in humility that comes from wisdom. "


As we examine ourselves to see how much wisdom we are walking in, it is good to remember that wisdom and humility are inseparable. It is totally unwise to walk in pride.  It  is possible to begin operating in godly wisdom and slip into earthly wisdom, when we begin to experience positive  results. We can be so mindful of our need for God's help before we see success. Then as things start to go well, we can begin to lean on our own understanding. So, walking in the wisdom from above is not a one-time decision that permanently determines our state of affairs. A quality decision to walk in true wisdom is important. However, we must constantly monitor our behavior and motives to stay on the right road.

We should review our course every day and, if necessary, repent from walking in devilish or sensual wisdom. No effort needs to be made to flow with the spirit of the world, because it permeates the air around us. If we are going to walk in the spirit, we must make a conscientious effort to do so. We must depend on God, not our own strength, as we press toward our goal.

 I walk in humility daily, as I continue to operate in godly wisdom. With God's help, I will remain on the right path.




Come Up Higher, Vol. 2 | Day 93

Day 93


James 3:17 NIV

"But the wisdom that comes from Heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit; impartial and sincere."


We already know the wisdom of God will not contradict the Word of God. There are also ways we can test the source of wisdom we believe we have received. James gives us  eight points to consider. Let us put them in question form.

Is it pure? This question will be settled to a great  degree by measuring it through God's Word.

Does it produce peace? As much as possible, we should choose the direction that will produce a peaceful outcome. The Bible instructs us to do our best to live peaceably with everyone. Everything that is pure will not necessarily promote peace.

Will we be submissive when we do it? God respects order. If we do things that prove we are rebellious to those in authority, we have not operated in God's wisdom.Is it full of mercy? We do not need to do everything we have a right to do. It is God's wisdom for us to show  mercy.  That does not necessarily mean we should allow someone to get away with wrongdoing. It does mean, however, that we should not go to the extent we could rightfully go to. This is wise, because we need very much to sow seeds in our areas of need. We all need mercy.

Does it produce good fruit? A tree is known by  its fruit. We can determine the wisdom of our actions by the long-term results.

Is it impartial? We must be fair, because God is fair. That does not mean we should treat everyone the same. It just means our treatment should not vary for selfish reasons. In other words, we should not give special treatment for personal gain.

Is it sincere? Are we performing to give people a false impression of us? If we are trying to win favor by living two lives, we are certainly not representing God. He does not alter His standards for anyone. Nobody wants clean food on a dirty plate. Most people want to be ministered to by those who do what they do from their hearts.

If we would use this checklist to examine our decisions, it can save us from many blunders. We can become more and more like Jesus, if we practice operating in heavenly wisdom.

My actions will be pure, peaceable, considerate, submissive, full of mercy, impartial and sincere. They will produce good, long-term results.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 2 | Day 92

Day 92


I Corinthians 3:19 NIV

"For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight. As it is written: "He catches the wise in their craftiness."


We must always remember that God sees and knows far more than we do. No matter how much experience we have had or how much insight we have gained on a subject, there is One who understands better.

Men do extensive research and come up with answers.

They perform scientific testing and come up with solutions. Nevertheless, they continue to change their minds, as new evidence which contradicts previous discoveries is found. Something is revealed to alter what they thought  were conclusive findings.

It is most disgusting to see humans come up with "answers" that contradict God's Word. That is the ultimate stupidity. In any event, God is not moved by man's  feeble attempt to show how smart or self-sufficient he is. He continues to baffle their minds, often using less educated, less skilled people who trust and rely on Him for insight. He shows what they consider foolish advice to be superior to their diligent studies.

If we want to stay ahead in life and receive the  best advice, we must not rely solely on man's wisdom. God can use something foolish to humiliate those who act as though they do not need Him. God's wisdom does not always make sense to the carnal mind, but it will always be the best advice, if we want to guarantee success.

To stay ahead, let us seek God's face continually. We can avoid blunders and humiliation by submitting our intelligence to the source of all true wisdom.

I will seek God's face continually. I will receive and act on the wisdom He shares with me and continue to succeed in life.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 2 | Day 91

Day 91


Revelation 21:4

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."

As we look at what God plans to do at the consummation of the ages, His will for man becomes clear.  The activities of  evil will cease. not because God will decide that there should be no more darkness, but because the perpetrator of evil will have been done away with forever.

Because man was given jurisdiction over the earth for a period of time, we do not see the perfect will of God in  operation. Man's will plays a part. Because man  yielded  to Satan, Satan has brought in his wickedness.

When the time of man's dominion over the earth is complete, Jesus will reign here forever and ever. Then we will see the perfect will of God demonstrated without hindrance. Meanwhile, as we labor with God, our mission is to bring the greatest amount of liberty to humanity we can. Jesus did that while He was on the earth. As He wiped tears, reversed death, eliminated sorrow and crying, and freed people from pain, He demonstrated the will of His Father.

The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is our Father. Before He left earth to return to Heaven, Jesus told His disciples He was sending them as the Father had sent Him. So let us continue the mission to bring deliverance from evil to all who want to be free.


I will be about my Father's business, setting people free from darkness, bringing light and life to all who will receive.
