Day 27


Joshua 6:2 NIV

 ''Then the Lord said to Joshua, "See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men."


Before God gave Joshua instructions on how to fight, He told him to see his victory. He told Joshua the battle was won before it got started. The Israelites were not going to try to obtain victory. They were going to receive what was given to them. Although we fight to possess what is already ours, it is a good fight, because it is a fight of faith. This means we see the end from the beginning. It is difficult to get someone to give up a fight when he is tired, hurting and feeling defeated, if he knows he cannot lose. The knowledge that the victory is his, that he cannot be defeated and that the end of the story shows him alive, well and enjoying his prize, causes him to press on, despite his feelings. He presses on, because he knows the enemy will run out of ammunition before he runs out of strength. It is when he is not sure of his victory that he can entertain giving up. "What if I do all this and die?" "What if I run out of strength and lose?" These kinds of questions can lead to giving up. That is why God wants us to take time to "see" what He has already given us before we enter the fight. When we meditate and rehearse our pre-determined victory long enough, we will indeed have a good fight of faith.

Let us then, over the next several days, take a look at what God has given us. Let us see what we should fight for, knowing the outcome of our fight is guaranteed victory. As we look, keep in mind that we will "see," first and then follow the instructions on how to obtain what we see. After God told Joshua to "see," then Joshua had to listen and follow instructions. God not only tells us what we have, but He also coaches us through the fight. So, we need to stay in touch!


I will take time to "see" what God has given me. I will also stay in touch with Him to receive instructions on how to possess what He has provided.
