
Light Snack with Pastor Marilyn Gool | EPISODE 65

📖🗣️“Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Let’s grab another "Light Snack" with Pastor Marilyn Gool as she encourages us to ask the Holy Spirit to be our speech therapist and humble ourselves to take advice from those who are better at it than we are.



Light Snack with Pastor Marilyn Gool | EPISODE 64

📖🤔 “What can we do to help us remember important people?” Let’s grab another "Light Snack" with Pastor Marilyn Gool as she inspires us to ask the Lord for help with remembering the people we should remember and showing our appreciation for what they have done for us.



Light Snack with Pastor Marilyn Gool | EPISODE 63

📖🌈 “Did you know the rainbow was designed to be a reminder to God and man of His’ promise?” Let’s grab another "Light Snack" with Pastor Marilyn Gool as she encourages us to use what we put in front of our eyes to remind us of the goodness of our Creator.



Light Snack with Pastor Marilyn Gool | EPISODE 59

📖💡We have mistakenly assigned Ephesians 5:22-35 to married couples only. In verse 32, Paul notes that he is really talking about Christ and the church. There is a message here for the entire Body of Christ, single, and married. Let’s listen to what we can all learn from this passage.
