
Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 39

Day 39


I Peter 2:24 Amplified Version

"He personally bore our sins in His own body to the tree [as to an a/Jar and offered Himself on it], that we might die (cease to exist) to sin and live to righteousness,by His wounds you have been healed."


We would not dare think of sin as acceptable after Calvary. Jesus shed His blood to pay for our sin. We are crucified with Him and consider ourselves dead to sin. We endeavor to live above sin out of respect for the sacrifice of Our Savior.

The same sacrifice that was made for sin was made for sickness. By the same wounds that were received for our transgressions, we are healed. Our tolerance for sickness and disease should be zero. We recognize that we are faced with temptation and have a constant struggle to walk free of sin, but we fight because of who we are. For the same reason, we should be no less motivated to resist attacks of sickness and disease.


I hate sin.I hate sickness. I respect the sacrifice Jesus made for me at Calvary. I resist sin. I resist sickness and disease.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 38

Day 38


Exodus 15:26 Amplified Version

 "For I am the Lord who heals you."


When God introduced Himself as Jehovah-Rapha to the children of Israel, He expressed His will for them. He told them He was the Lord their healer, or physician. What physician would want anything else for his patients than healing and health? Genesis 1:31, amplified version, said, "And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good - suitable, pleasant - and He approved it completely..."

God was satisfied with His creation, because it was perfect. He was satisfied, because that is what He wanted. Then came sin and God had to add a new role. He is not only creator, He is repairman -

a Healer.

In Revelation 21:4, the Bible tells us that when Satan, sin and all wicked people are removed from the earth, there will be no more death, sorrow, crying or pain. Everything will be restored to normal. So, it is evident that Satan and sin have brought sickness and disease into the earth realm. God is not the author of sickness, so it is His desire to see his people delivered and protected from this curse. He expressed this as His will in Exodus 23:25, Deuteronomy 7:15, and in other verses.

Since it is clear that Our Father wants His people well, we should want the same and work to that end, using every means available. This applies to our personal lives, as well as our ministry to others. Keep in mind that we do not only want to be healed, but also maintain health, which entails avoiding things that cause illness.


I will do my part to maintain health in my body. God is my physician. He will heal me when I need healing and help me stay well.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 37

Day 37

I    Corinthians 9:8 Amplified Version

 "And God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient - possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation."


Our God is not subject to change. As He was the God of prosperity in the Old Testament, we see that He is the God of prosperity in the New Testament. Poverty was a curse - therefore not from God- then, or now. God is against poverty and lack. He is not against poor people or those in lack. He loves them but is not happy with their circumstances. II Corinthians 9:8 shows us what God wants to do for us. He not only wants to meet our needs, but He also wants to enable us to meet the needs of others as His Body in the earth. II Corinthians 8:9 points out that Jesus became poor so we could become rich. Although Jesus was not lacking in anything, He left Heaven where there were far more riches than there are on earth, and became poor in relation to what He left behind. He denied Himself so we could be blessed.

The greeting of John to Gains in ill John 2 expresses what God wishes for all of us - total prosperity in the body, soul and spirit, as well as materially. Jesus came that we might have an abundant life (John 10:10). Abundance indicates more than enough.

The earth is the Lord's (Psalm 24:1), and the silver and gold are His (Haggai 2:8). This is Our Father's world. God wants us, who are conformed to the image of Christ, to take dominion in the earth - to subdue it. We are to be the light of the world, the salt of the earth. To do the best we can, we need to prosper - to have access to funds and materials that will help us accomplish our task. The wealth of this world, or a good portion of it, is in the wrong hands. However, the scripture says, "...the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just" (Proverbs 13:22) and "...but to the sinner He giveth travail, to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him that is good before God,"(Ecclesiastes 2:26). We should be aggressive about prosperity for the right reasons.


I accept the fact that the wealth of the work is not designated for the sinner. It belongs to God's people. I am God's and I receive my portion of the wealth in this world for God's purposes. God's purpose for prosperity for me is that I should have more than enough for my own needs and be able to contribute to supplying the needs of others.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 36

Day 36


Genesis 1:29

 "And God said, Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat."


Our Daddy is the God of prosperity and abundance. Our Father gave two people every herb and every fruit that was upon the face of the earth. Wouldn't you say that was more than enough? There is still more than enough for every man on planet earth. Many starve or live in poverty due to sin, idolatry and ignorance. However, God has provided for all humanity.

God told Noah, when he emerged from the ark with his family and all the animals he transported, that he could have all the herbs, as well as any meat he desired. There were only eight persons on board the ark. I would say they had more than enough.

God told Abram, later called Abraham, to leave his kindred and follow Him. He promised to bless him and make him a blessing. Genesis 13:2 says, "And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold." How did he get so prosperous? Abraham's servant told the family of Isaac's bride-to-be that the Lord was responsible for Abraham's wealth (Genesis 24:35).

God told Moses He would take His people out of slavery and send them to a land of prosperity, "flowing with milk and honey." He said in Exodus 3:21-22, amplified version, "And I will give this people favor and respect in the sight of the Egyptians; and it shall be that when you go, you shall not go empty-handed. But every woman shall [insistently] solicit of her neighbor, and of her that may be residing at her house, jewels and articles of silver and gold, and garments, which you shall put on your sons and daughters; and you shall strip the Egyptians [of belongings due to you]." We can see that God is a God of abundance and prosperity. Throughout the Old Testament, we see wealth and abundance as a sign of God's blessing upon His people, while poverty was described as a part of the curse that came upon the disobedient. God blessed Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with wealth. He is the one who made Solomon the richest man on earth. The psalmist, David, said in Psalm 35:27 that God has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.

Malachi 3:6 says, "For I am the Lord, I change not,..." The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is as much the God of prosperity today as He was in days of old, and He is our God!


My Father is the God of prosperity and abundance. I am my Father's child. Since my Father is rich, I am rich. I am prosperous, and I have abundance.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 35

Day 35


Exodus 36:1 Amplified Version

 "Bezalel and Aholiab and every wise-hearted man in whom the Lord has put wisdom and understanding to know how to do all the work for the service of the sanctuary, shall work according to all that the Lord has commanded."


God, who put wisdom in Bezalel and Aholiab, is the source of wisdom, and He dwells in us. I Corinthians 1:30 tells us that Jesus was made unto us wisdom. Solomon said in Proverbs 8:11 that wisdom is better than rubies and nothing we desire can compare with it. Thank God we serve the Lord who is not only the possessor of wisdom, but the GIVER of wisdom. Proverbs 4:5 tells us to get wisdom. That lets us know it is available to all who desire it.

The wisdom of God is identified by James. In the third chapter of James, verse 17 describes the wisdom of God as pure, peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.

Jesus told his disciples He would give them wisdom that all of their enemies combined would not be able to stand against or refute. Not only does God give us wisdom, but He gives us His wisdom which nobody can withstand. In Jesus' life on earth, we saw a demonstration of that. The cleverest of His enemies were put to silence. We also saw a demonstration of this in the life of Stephen, the first Christian martyr we have record of. In Acts 6:10, the Bible said the religious leaders could not stand up against the wisdom or spirit by which he spoke. Thank God we are connected to the source of all wisdom.


I   have the source of all wisdom living in me. Jesus Christ is made wisdom to me. I have and walk in the wisdom of God.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 34

Day 34


Romans 5:5 NIV

 ''And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit."


Love is such a powerful force that it is great to know, on the authority of God's Word, that we have it in our spirits. The Word tells us that love does not fail.

Galatians 5:22 informs us that love is a part of the fruit of our spirit. It is most comforting to know that love has been given to us by God, since without it we would be a mess. We are not talking about human love, but the God kind of love.

Our faith works by love. Since we need love to succeed as God's people, I am most grateful that God revealed to us that He has given us His love by the Holy Spirit. Thank God we do not have to strug­gle to get this important characteristic, this important force. It has been given to us. All we need to do is to agree with God by verbally declaring that we have the love of God and practice it by faith. I am pleased to know that love is part of the fruit, which can be developed from our spirit.


I am full of the love of God. God's love permeates my being. I live by the love of God that He has put in my spirit



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 33

Day 33


Psalm 71:5 Amplified Version

 "For You are my hope; 0 lord God, You are my trust from my youth and the source of my confidence."


We have hope or expectation, because we have God. He is our hope. When we do not see anything in the natural realm to keep us motivated, we know we have a God who can move any mountain, supply any need, alter any circumstance or destroy any barrier. He can heal any sickness, calm any storm, relieve any burden or restore anything that has been lost. He is our hope, not only because He can do these things, but because He has done them already. He said he would do for us what needs to be done.

Psalm 146:5 says, "Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God." The psalmist had a reason to declare that the person whose hope is in the Lord is happy. A person is happy about something if it will definitely bring positive results. Therefore, we can conclude that hope in the Lord brings positive results.

In Ephesians, Paul described the Gentiles who were without Christ as those who had no hope. Their lack of hope was related to their being without Christ. Consequently, then, having Christ means having hope. Paul told the Thessalonians that God had given us good hope. Peter exhorted the saints to be always ready to give an answer to every inquirer who wanted to know why we have the hope we have in us.

It is obvious that to have God means to have hope. There is a good reason to hope when the one who created the universe and all the elements contained therein is Our Father and we know He loves us.


I have God. Therefore, I have hope. That hope brings positive results.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 32

Day 32


Luke 2:10 NIV

 "But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people."


Jesus brought joy to the earth. He represents joy. Elizabeth told Mary the babe in her womb leaped for joy when she arrived and greeted her. Mary was pregnant with Jesus and Elizabeth was pregnant with John the Baptist. John, not even born yet, leaped for joy in the presence of the Messiah, whose body was just being formed in Mary's womb. To have Jesus is to have joy. The Bible says in the presence of the Lord is fullness of joy.

The joy we have as believers is inexpressible, triumphant, heavenly. It comes as a result of believing in Jesus, the Anointed One (I Peter 1:8). According to Jude 24, God is able to keep us from falling and present us before His glorious presence with exceeding joy. God and joy just go together. We have God, so we have joy.


God is my God. Jesus is my Lord. The Holy Spirit is my Comforter. Therefore joy is mine. I never have a shortage of joy. I have inexpressible, triumphant, heavenly joy.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 31

Day 31


Nehemiah 8:10 Amplified Version

 "…for the joy of the Lord is your strength and stronghold."


The scripture says the joy of the Lord is your .... That tells me the joy of the Lord is mine. I have the joy of the Lord. When the apostle said, "Rejoice in the Lord always," (Philippians 4:4) he affirmed that joy is something we possess. We have control. If we run out of joy in our souls, we are connected to the source and can stir up joy anytime we want to. Joy is also listed as part of the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22). It came with our salvation package.

The psalmist said in Psalm 43:4, " God my exceeding joy." Isaiah 51:11 says that the redeemed of the Lord will return and come with singing to Zion and everlasting joy shall be upon their heads and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. We possess a joy that has no end. It is never unavailable or inaccessible. Jesus, according to John 15:11, expressed His desire for His followers to have joy. He told them He shared things with them so His joy might be in them and that their joy might be full, complete and overflowing.

According to Romans 14:17, the kingdom of God is joy in the Holy Spirit. The Word of God clearly removes any excuse from us for not being able to enjoy life. I am not talking about just having fun, but living a life of joy overall. Surely we can experience sorrow temporarily, but we have the joy of the Lord to say, "Time's up!" to sorrow and mourning. We can escort them out and watch them flee away. They should never stay around long enough to sap away our strength and send us into a period of defeat. The joy of the Lord is ours, and the joy of the Lord is our strength.


I have the joy of the Lord. His joy makes me strong.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 30

Day 30


Matthew 24:6 Amplified version

 ''And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not troubled, for this must take place, but the end is not yet"


Jesus commands us to be at peace in the midst of trouble. He said, "See that you are not frightened or troubled." That means our peace should be undisturbed. He has given us the ability to remain calm. Our goal should be not only to experience peace, but to abide in it; not only to have it come and go, but to remain. We can have undisturbed peace.

Did He really mean that even in the midst of trouble and perilous times, we can keep our peace? Yes! He demonstrated that when He fell asleep on the boat while the storm was raging. When they woke Him up feeling that they had a legitimate reason to be disturbed, He rebuked them. He did not sympathize with them and justify their fearfulness. He said they had little faith. Then He demonstrated that He was in control as He rebuked the storm and caused everything to return to normal. He didn't jump up and dash out to see the storm. He did not panic. His peace was not disturbed. He paused to rebuke them, even though they indicated it was an emergency and their lives were in jeopardy.


I have undisturbed peace. God gave it to me. He told me I could have it, and I receive it.



Come Up Higher, Vol.1 | Day 29

Day 29

Numbers 6:22-23, 26 amplified version


 ''And the Lord said to Moses, Say to Aaron and his sons, This is the way you shall bless the Israelites. Say to them.....The Lord lift up His approving countenance upon you and give you peace [tranquility of heart and life continually]."


Peace was obviously something God wanted for His people from the beginning. The priests were instructed to pronounce a blessing upon God's people, and that blessing included peace from God.

The psalmist said in Psalm 4:8 that he would lay down in peace and sleep because of God's care for him Psalm 29:11 calls peace a blessing from God that He wills for His people. Psalm 85:8 says God will speak peace to His people. Throughout the Word, it is obvious that true peace is a blessing from God and something He desires for His people to have. Jesus is referred to as the Prince of Peace in Isaiah 9:6 and the Lord of Peace in I Thessalonians 3:16. Peace is described as part of the fruit of the spirit in Galatians 5:22. Romans 14:7 tells us that the kingdom of God is peace.

It is obvious that God wants peace for His people and that He has provided it for us. We must "see" that and prepare to possess it.


I see that God is the God of Peace and wants me to enjoy His peace. I have the peace of God.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 28

Day 28



Isaiah 53:5 amplified version

" ...the chastisement needful to obtain peace and well being for us was upon Him,..."


See! The price has been paid and Jesus has obtained peace for  us. The word peace, used in Isaiah 53:5, according to the Strong's Concordance Hebrew dictionary, includes the meaning safe - well, happy, friendly; also welfare - health, prosperity, peace.

Luke 2:14 quotes the angelic chorus as saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men." They announced peace on earth at the advent of Jesus Christ to earth as a human. The Strong's Concordance defines the Greek word translated 'peace' in Luke 2:I4 as peace, prosperity - one, peace, quietness, rest set at one again.

In both the Old Testament and the Gospels, we see that peace involves our well being, as well as a state of mind. In Philippians 4:7, Paul talks about a peace that passes understanding, which indicates a sense of well being that cannot be explained logically. God causes us to know all is well in a way we can understand, although we cannot explain how we know it.

Before leaving this planet physically, Jesus pronounced His peace upon His disciples. He explained in John 14:27 that it was a peace the world could not give. It was His peace. It was the kind of peace that caused Him to walk with great confidence as He fulfilled His mission. He experienced this peace despite the constant opposition of His family and the religious leaders; despite the misunderstanding of followers and disciples; despite the challenges of the devil through people and through nature.

Five times in John we find reference to Jesus speaking peace to His disciples. It was obviously something He wanted them to possess. Paul greeted the church in various cities with the expression, "Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ," or he used similar words saying the same thing. He picked up the spirit of Christ, who wanted so much for us to experience God's peace. Paul quoted from the Old Testament to point out that the ungodly have no part in God's peace (Romans 5:1). The peace of God is for the people of God. Those of us who have made peace with God (Romans 5:l) are entitled to enjoy the peace of God.

Since everyone cannot experience this, we should appreciate the fact that Jesus paid a heavy price to provide us with peace. Out of appreciation, we should "see" ourselves with it and possess it.


I see that God has provided peace for me. I declare that I have the peace of God. It is mine.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 27

Day 27


Joshua 6:2 NIV

 ''Then the Lord said to Joshua, "See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men."


Before God gave Joshua instructions on how to fight, He told him to see his victory. He told Joshua the battle was won before it got started. The Israelites were not going to try to obtain victory. They were going to receive what was given to them. Although we fight to possess what is already ours, it is a good fight, because it is a fight of faith. This means we see the end from the beginning. It is difficult to get someone to give up a fight when he is tired, hurting and feeling defeated, if he knows he cannot lose. The knowledge that the victory is his, that he cannot be defeated and that the end of the story shows him alive, well and enjoying his prize, causes him to press on, despite his feelings. He presses on, because he knows the enemy will run out of ammunition before he runs out of strength. It is when he is not sure of his victory that he can entertain giving up. "What if I do all this and die?" "What if I run out of strength and lose?" These kinds of questions can lead to giving up. That is why God wants us to take time to "see" what He has already given us before we enter the fight. When we meditate and rehearse our pre-determined victory long enough, we will indeed have a good fight of faith.

Let us then, over the next several days, take a look at what God has given us. Let us see what we should fight for, knowing the outcome of our fight is guaranteed victory. As we look, keep in mind that we will "see," first and then follow the instructions on how to obtain what we see. After God told Joshua to "see," then Joshua had to listen and follow instructions. God not only tells us what we have, but He also coaches us through the fight. So, we need to stay in touch!


I will take time to "see" what God has given me. I will also stay in touch with Him to receive instructions on how to possess what He has provided.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 26

Day 26

Luke 19:10 NIV

 "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost"



Jesus referred to himself over and over during His earthly min­istry as the Son of Man. He humbled himself to be associated with and identify with us as men. He did this so we could be promoted to being associated with Him as He returned to His position as God. (He was always God, even while on earth, but He abdicated that position to fulfill His earthly mission.) This is wonderful.

The prophets of old were great men who were anointed by God to produce mighty signs and wonders and foretell things to come then, as well as hundreds of years later. Even though they operated under such an anointing, they were not privileged to be called sons of God. This helps us understand why Jesus said, ''Truly, I tell you, among those born of women, there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is least in the kingdom of Heaven is greater than he." (Matthew 11:11 amplified version) No matter how great they were, they were not privileged to be called sons of God until Jesus fulfilled his mission to redeem mankind.

Is not this a reason for us to rejoice today, because of how we have been honored? It is. It is a cause for us to boldly and confident­ly approach our Father and communicate with Him. It is also a reason for us to humble ourselves and walk worthy of our position. It should also motivate us to fellowship with Him and bless Him. When an earthly father deals with the harsh outside world as he works, he looks for a refreshing time with his family at home. If he cannot find that pleasure there, he hesitates to come home. Hopefully, our Father never has to hesitate from coming to us. I hope we will make time each day to be sons of God in this way. Let us take a walk with Him or just sit with Him. Let us tell Him how proud we are that He is our Father. Let us express our love and affection to the Most High, who has chosen to refer to us as "sons of God."


I am God's child. He is my Father. I will be a son to Him so He can be a Father to me.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 19

Day 19


Genesis 13:14, 15 Amplified Version

 "The Lord said to Abram, after Lot had left him, Lift up now your eyes, and look from the place where you are, northward and south• ward and eastward and westward. For all the land which you see I will give to you and to your posterity for ever."


It was after Abram had given Lot first choice to take the land he wanted, that God told Abram he could have all the land he could see in every direction, including the direction Lot had selected. Abram gave generously and in faith. He had the right to choose first. He was responsible for Lot being blessed and being where he was. Yet he was not hesitant to give the best. He believed in God's integrity and was already experiencing the blessings of God.

We must learn to give fearlessly. Give in faith. We do not need to make sure we get the best choice, even though we may have the right to it. When we don't feel obligated to look out for ourselves, God will feel obligated to look out for us. God will respond when we give in faith and not in fear.


I will give generously. I will give fearlessly. I will give in faith and God will reward me.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 18

Day 18


Proverbs 22:1,2 KJV

 A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold. The rich and the poor meet together, the Lord is the maker of them all."


It is not how we look on the outside that makes us most attractive or unattractive. It is our inner beauty or ugliness that determines our true condition. We may be rich enough to dress in beautiful clothing decked with silver or gold, but if we cannot be trusted because there is no integrity inside, we may as well be naked.

In verse two, Solomon refers to the equality of rich and poor before God. God enjoys seeing us blessed financially and materially. However, He is not responsible for the riches of the crooked, nor is He pleased with them, because their hearts are not right. God enjoys participating in the prosperity of those who serve Him. The outward manifestation of material prosperity in our lives only pleases God if it goes along with spiritual prosperity on the inside.

We are not trusted and admired by the right people because of what we possess naturally, but because of what we possess spiritually. No riches can substitute for integrity, a good name and for loving favor. We will possess the more valuable riches when we aim to please God with each decision we make more than anything else. He will give us a good name and surround us with favor.


I will walk with God by faith and please Him. He will give me a good name and surround me with favor.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 17

Day 17


Isaiah 37:17 amplified version


"Incline Your ear,0 Lord, and hear; open Your eyes, 0 Lord, and see; and hear all the words of Sennacherib, which he has sent to mock, reproach, insult and defy the living God."


The attacks and threats of the enemy against God's people are attacks and threats against God Himself. Since He has delegated authority and responsibility to us, the Father awaits our call to get Him involved. Prayer was established by God. If there was no need for us to invite God into our circumstances, there would be no need for the prayer of petition. God responded after Hezekiah petitioned Him.

God has feelings. Hezekiah recognized that, as he appealed to God's emotions in bringing out the offensive manner in which the enemy addressed God. Our Father responded and defended Himself verbally by passing judgment against the enemy.

It is important that we understand God's position on our well- being and approach Him properly. He loves us, cares for us and always wants us victorious. We represent Him in the earth. We should not approach Him as though we must convince Him to care. He already cares. We should not approach Him as if we are waiting for Him to initiate action. He is waiting for us to get things started. We should not approach Him in fear. We approach him in faith. He is able, and He will deliver us.

When we make the right connection with the Father, the enemy's time will be running out. Let us wait on God in faithful anticipation. There is no rock like our Rock. He is faithful and true. He never fails. He knows how to care for what belongs to Him. "Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him:..." (Psalm 37:7 a)


When I am attacked, I will cry out to my Father, the Almighty God. He will hear and answer me and deliver me from the hands of my enemy. He will avenge me of my adversary.





Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 16

Day 16


Ezekiel 47:13 Amplified Version

 "Thus says the Lord God: these shall be the boundaries...."


God, Our Father sets boundaries. Adam was limited in what he could do. Boundaries were set for the property of each tribe of Israel. Satan was limited in what he could do to Job. A boundary was set for the sea at the shore. Many other lines were drawn in the Word of God. It is God's love and power that causes Him to "draw lines."

When the Father draws lines for us, we must remember that as a Father, He has a responsibility to care for His own, and He knows what is best. Thank God for the boundaries He established because of His great love for us. We should joyfully heed His instructions.

It is indeed encouraging and comforting to know assuredly that God has set definite and secure boundaries for our enemies. There is none who can pluck us from His hand. There is none who can throw us into Hell. We cannot be tested beyond our ability to overcome. The Father's Word reveals our advantage over our enemies in many instances.

Greater is He that is in us. We overcome the world with our faith. We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ. Out of gratitude to our Father, we can observe the boundaries He has set for us and praise Him for the boundaries He has set for our enemies. Thank Him for His great love that causes Him to "draw the lines."


I observe the boundaries God has set for me and thank Him for the ones He has set for my enemies.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 15

Day 15


Psalm 56:4 Amplified Version

 "By (the help of) God I will praise His Word; on God I lean,rely and confidently put my trust; I will not fear; what can man who is flesh do to me?"


Every time fear presents itself, we have a choice. The psalmist, David, knew his choice and declared that he would praise the Word and trust God. He compared God and man and realized God was greater by far. He considered that the greater one was on his side, so it was like putting a man against God when a man came against him. We must realize that God is on our side and we are on God's side.

When a man comes against us, he is coming against God. At that time we can easily answer the question, "What can man do to me?" The answer is, "Nothing!" However, we must take the responsibility of "hiding" in God. In response to fear, we must position ourselves in God so that the enemy attacks God and not us. We do that by expressing our confidence and reliance on God. He has given us dominion and authority and made Himself available to us.

David said, "I will praise His Word...." Let us praise His Word, which declares that the angels are protecting us and that God is on our side, never leaving us, faithful and true to us.


I will rehearse God's Word that reveals His divine protection for me. I will stay "in Him." He always protects me.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 14

Day 14


Psalm 61:2 amplified version

 "From the end of the earth will I cry to you, when my heart is overwhelmed and fainting; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I - yes a rock that is too high for me."


The places God is leading us to will be too high if we follow natural instincts. The journey with God is a faith journey. Only He knows the way. To help us see this, we hear words from Jesus like: "...the sheep listen to His voice and heed it, and He calls His own sheep by name and brings (leads) them out," "But when He, the Spirit of Truth (the truth-giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you..." We need God's help and guidance to go where He has designed for us to go. He is the way.


If it seems I have lost my way and I am far from the mark, I will cry out to God and He will lead me to the right place He has for me.

