SNBC NEWS FOR LIFE WAS CANCELLED due to a special ministry gift. Please enjoy these web exclusives; SNBC NEWS will return next week with another broadcast.


Visions of Jesus in Gaza spurs prayers for revival in the region
A former terrorist who became a Christian is believing God for revival in Gaza. According to Taysir Abu Saada, the turmoil for the Israel-Hamas War has caused those living in the region to search for more than their Islamic faith. Saada says he and his team are witnessing the Gospel and he is looking forward to revival. Saada’s outreach team reported on one occasion 200 men who are residents of Gaza accepted Jesus as their personal Savor. This same group reportedly had residents that saw visions of Christ in their dreams. The dreams are what prompted their questions to Saada’s group. Mr. Saada is continuing to pray and witness to those in the Gaza Strip and says that he expects God to do something big in the region. He says that he expects the harvest to be “huge”. (Please continue to pray for Mr. Saada and all those preaching the gospel to the lost around the world!)



SNBC NEWS HEALTH REPORT: Bee Pollen and its natural health properties
Various trends tend to catch the attention of consumers from time to time. Determining the popularity, it can be something that lasts long term especially if the product is deemed apart of a previously successful product. Bee pollen has gained popularity in some health circles, due to its health properties. It may gain popularity due to honey being such a popular item since Biblical times. Bee pollen is considered a supplement and a new superfood. It is considered a good source of amino acids, antioxidants, and vitamins. This substance has been used since the time of Ancient Rome and can be found used in other ancient civilizations. Bee pollen can be purchased at health food stores and treats several issues. According to research it helps with respiratory illness, lowers cholesterol, helps with allergies,  and reduces inflammation. It can be consumed in drinks or eaten mixed into other foods (ex. Smoothies, salads, etc.) If you have an allergic reaction to bees, please contact a trusted healthcare provider before consuming bee pollen, however for those without any allergies, it is considered safe to consume.

