A lot has happened since I posted my last blog - projects, traveling, etc. One thing that occurred that caused me to increase my desire to read and study the Bible was a trip to the Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC. While I was there, I realized that for thousands of years, people did not have personal Bibles. They learned about God's Word from going to school (males only), or from hearing it read by the religious leaders. There were individual scrolls of each book, then individual books. The Bible was large. The first books were large and  heavy. Finally, after the invention of printing, someone got the idea to produce personal Bibles. I thought about how I own several Bibles. Although I regularly read my Bible, I felt ashamed that I did not read more. I did not have the appreciation I should have had for having a Bible at home until I realized it wasn't always possible. So now I'm reading more and loving it. My increased hunger is causing me to get more out of it.  Now, back to sharing about "water."

Psalm 63:1 NKJV

O God, You are my God; early will I seek You. My soul thirsts for You. My flesh longs for You In a dry and thirsty land where there is no water.

Once again we see David likening his search for God to a search for water. This time he describes his desperation as that of one who finds himself in a dry land where water is not available. In a situation like that the thirsty one would have a great longing that would propel him to keep moving in a direction he hopes will lead him to a water source. A desperate thirst will lead to a determined pursuit. It will be a pursuit without distraction because there is no time for anything else as far as the pursuer is concerned. There are things God cannot give us until we get there. Consequently, He may pull away from us if we get complacent to allow us to feel that emptiness that has to be fulfilled only by Him. Then He can have our attention at the level required to receive the rich deposits He wants to make. When our souls are in such a state, we will receive the Word with the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment and have life-changing experiences.

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