

Jewish students file lawsuit against prestigious university over antisemitism
Two students at MIT are suing the university. The students claim the school has failed to condemn or stop the growing amount of Antisemitism on campus. The rise in discrimination against Jewish and Israeli citizens on college campuses occurred following the terrorist group Hamas’ attack on Israel. The October 7th attacks left over one -thousand dead and several hundred taken as hostages. Pro-Palestine supporters have used the conflict to attack Israel, its citizens, and the Jewish people. Several universities across the U.S. have faced lawsuits and criticism from conservatives for their treatment of Jewish students and their silence on recent discrimination and attacks.


EEOC files religious discrimination against Hospital after Christian’s job offer withdrawn
A Michigan hospital has settled its case with a potential employee who was mandated to receive the flu shot but refused, citing religious beliefs. The plaintiff, whose name was not released in the report, was offered a position at the hospital. While the offer was pending, the applicant requested a religious exemption from taking the vaccine. The hospital unlawfully denied the claim and later rescinded the offer, stating the CLAIM that their denial was based on religious discrimination was insufficient. EEOC filed the plaintiff’s lawsuit, claiming religious discrimination. The plaintiff was awarded $50,000 in back pay and non-economic damages.  “Employees should not have to check their religious beliefs at the workplace door,” said an EEOC senior trial attorney. “The applicant’s objection, which was based on his sincere religious beliefs, could have been easily accommodated.” The EEOC says they continue to work to vigorously defend the rights of applicants and employees in the workplace. This case is just the latest in a series of court cases where employees are suing for the right to have religious exemptions honored. Previous cases included protests against the COVID shot as well as the flu shot. The hospital in the lawsuit has not commented on the case.

Golf tournament bans trans athletes from women’s competition
The CEO of a golf tour has announced a ban on trans athletes. Stuart McKinnon, CEO of NXXT Golf tour announced a ban on trans athletes in women’s competition. Stuart says his company’s decision was not made lightly. The CEO continued that the decision came down to competitive fairness. He remarked that a biological male has an advantage over biological females in competition. A trans athlete who played in the women’s competition in 2022 and won voiced anger over the ban. This ban means that trans athletes would not be able to or have more difficulty qualifying for LPGA events if they are banned from playing in NXXT golf competitions.  The company released a statement saying they are following the standards and guidelines of the LPGA and USGA association. The ban is the latest in several from presiding boards over women’s sports concerning trans athletes. Various cases including two biological males racing in high school track events in Connecticut, a biological male swimming against women breaking records in college, and several recent incidents with trans athletes injuring girls in competition have gained national attention concerning this issue.

SNBC Health report: Tips and Tricks to Help you Fall Asleep Faster
Sleep deprivation has the same effect on your immune system as physical stress or illness, which helps explain why a lack of sleep is tied to an increased risk of numerous chronic diseases, and working the night shift or excessively long hours without sleeping can be so detrimental.

Safe strategies that prove effective to address sleeplessness are:

• Keeping a gratitude journal each evening, noting everything you're grateful for.

•Establishing a soothing pre-bedtime routine, such as taking a warm bath, reading a good book or relaxation exercises. Humans are creatures of habit.

•Putting all your work away at least one, preferably two hours before bed.

•Keeping a consistent schedule-When you go to bed and wake up at the same times, your body becomes accustomed to the routine.

•Adding magnesium supplements to your diet help calm the nervous system, relax muscles, reduce anxiety, alleviate restless leg syndrome, and help regulate your circadian rhythm.

•At sundown, dimming your lights (or using amber-colored glasses), turning off electronic devices and checking your bedroom for electro-magnetic fields (EMFs), which can inhibit sleep.

•Exercising regularly-Your body thrives on exercise and movement. It reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders and will help you get to sleep more easily and sleep more soundly.

•Evaluating your mattress and pillow-You'll experience more restful sleep when your mattress and pillows are comfortable and supportive.

•And then, of course, sleeping in a cool, dark room and wearing a sleep mask, if necessary. The optimal temperature for sleeping is between 60 °F and 68°.

All in all, the Bible tells us to cast our cares on the Lord, for He cares for us. Psalm 127:2 tells us He gives His beloved sleep. We are the apple of His eye, and He wants us to have sweet and peaceful sleep.





Alabama Supreme Court rules in favor of embryos as protected life
The Alabama Supreme Court has ruled that frozen embryos outside of the womb are children and protected under state law. The ruling is considered a major win for pro-life groups in that state and in the U.S. A well-known clinic in Alabama has halted procedures as it reviews the case. The case stemmed from a legal battle involving three couples whose embryos were accidentally destroyed. The couples later sued citing wrongful death. This case is important because of the long term effects. If embryos outside of the womb are considered protected, it could mean the same for an unborn child in the womb. According to the founder of the non-profit law firm, Liberty Counsel, this case is very significant in the pro-life fight. Mat Staver says his firm will use this case to argue another high-profile case in Florida.


German politicians seek ban on prayer at abortion clinics
A bill in Germany may ban pro-life protestors from abortion clinics. According to a recent report, some German politicians have presented a bill that would ban protestors to buffer zone 100 yards away from a facility. Fines for those violating the potential law could be over five thousand dollars. The bill according to Alliance Defending Freedom International would make pro-life messages and prayers within the so-called buffer zone illegal. The proposed law is modeled after a similar law in the UK. Demonstrators in the UK have been arrested for silent prayers, demonstrations, and interactions with patients entering or leaving abortion clinics. Critics in the UK call these laws a violation of freedom of expression. (Same as freedom of speech here in the U.S.) SNBC News will continue to update you as this story develops.


Collegiate Day of Prayer begins nationwide
A national call for prayer is underway here in the U.S.  Churches across the nation are participating in the Collegiate Day of Prayer. The event encourages Church congregations and Christians around the U.S. to pray for continued revival on U.S. college and university campuses. The event started on February 29th and has seen a growing number of participants. Over one thousand participants have adopted two thousand colleges campuses across the U.S. The Collegiate day of prayer gained more attention following the Asbury Revival. The revival is named after Asbury College located in Kentucky. The school was the start of an over two-week revival started by the students on campus. The revival began to spread to several colleges around the nation. The revival is still going; there are now reports of revival now moving to larger campuses including Texas A&M, Auburn University, and Florida State University. Witnesses at Florida State University reported hundreds of students accepting Jesus as their Savior recently, with some being baptized immediately following the prayer of salvation.



SNBC Health report: the health benefits of lemon water
Lemon is a part of the citrus group and carries the normal amount of health benefits associated with citrus fruits. Lemons are a beneficial addition to water and can help with adding nutrients to your body. Lemons contain a good amount of vitamin C and fiber. It contains folate, which benefits the immune system. Lemons also help with lowering blood pressure and controlling inflammation. This citrus fruit helps with iron absorption and assists in a healthy complexion. It can also help lower the risk of issues with asthma and contains 9 nutrients including magnesium, and vitamin A. The addition of lemons to water is believed to be more beneficial than just drinking water. However, adding lemons to a drink such as lemonade will reduce its nutritional value due to added sugar.





Liam Morrison

Legal team for 12-year-old appeals case to higher court
Attorneys for a middle school student say they have appealed his case. The student, Liam Morrison, was suspended from school for wearing a t-shirt officials claimed violated school policy. The shirt read, “There are only two genders”. The student was sent home for the remainder of the day after refusing to change his shirt. Liam later wore a shirt to school reading, “There are censored genders.” The school claimed the shirts were a violation of school policy. Attorneys for Morrison say the student was expressing his beliefs, which are protected by the first amendment. The student’s parents later sued the school for violating his first and fourteenth amendment rights. A lower court in Boston claimed the school’s officials were correct for suspending the student. A justice presiding over the case claims the shirt was a violation to student that may not, “identify with either gender.” The case will now be heard by an appeals court.


Rev. Dr. Patrick Pullicino

Doctor/ Priest exonerated for pro-life stance
A neurologist in the United Kingdom has been exonerated after a three-year battle over a complaint filed by an assisted suicide advocate. The accuser claimed Rev. Dr. Patrick Pullicino violated medical codes in his care for a patient because of his pro-life beliefs and his Catholic faith. The General Medical Council, or GMC, cleared the doctor, who is also a priest of all wrongdoing following their investigation. Doctor Pullicino was investigated after the Council received only one complaint about his care practices. The patient was in a vegetative state, and his family was fighting in court to keep him on life support. Dr. Pullicino expressed his support for the family, saying that more tests needed to be run before his life was ended by hospital officials. The patient was eventually taking off life support against the wishes of the family and passed away shortly thereafter. The investigation followed not long after the complaint was made. The Council concluded that the doctor did not violate any ethics codes. Attorneys for Dr. Pullicino praised the Council’s decision and said more doctors are needed to defend patients’ rights to life.

Israeli Parliament- Knesset

 Israeli Parliament rejects pressure from world governments/ leaders
The Israeli Parliament has issued a proclamation. The parliament known as the Knesset has approved of a declaration stating that the Israeli government will in no way approve of a Palestinian state. The declaration was presented by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The statement is a response to pressure from other world leaders against Israel demanding the nation make peace with Hamas. Several leaders are also pushing the Israeli government to give up land to create a Palestinian nation. The statement in part reads: Recognition such as that, following the massacre on October 7th, will grant major prize to terror and will prevent any future peace agreement. The Israeli defense minister added one more warning following the statement.  Hamas has until the beginning of the Islamic holiday of Ramadan in March to release the remaining hostages, or the IDF will proceed their military operation to rescue the remaining hostages. Israel and Jews around the world have seen an increase in hostility and persecution following the October 7th attack by Hamas.


SNBC Health report: researchers continue to find more benefits from fish oil
According to reports, fish oil contains several benefits that protect the human body. This supplement contains essential fatty acids that reduce inflammation and blood pressure. Fish oil is beneficial to heart health, brain function, eye health, and assists in relieving arthritis symptoms. The body cannot produce the nutrients provided through essential fatty acids, so researchers advise taking fish oil or consuming fish to acquire the nutrients it provides. Fish oil is considered an animal product, so researchers advise consulting with your healthcare professional before selecting a fish oil supplement. Consuming fish is always recommended as a natural way to acquire the nutrients found in this food; however, fish oil is an alternative if you are not able to eat fish consistently.





SNBC NEWS FOR LIFE WAS CANCELLED due to a special ministry gift. Please enjoy these web exclusives; SNBC NEWS will return next week with another broadcast.


Visions of Jesus in Gaza spurs prayers for revival in the region
A former terrorist who became a Christian is believing God for revival in Gaza. According to Taysir Abu Saada, the turmoil for the Israel-Hamas War has caused those living in the region to search for more than their Islamic faith. Saada says he and his team are witnessing the Gospel and he is looking forward to revival. Saada’s outreach team reported on one occasion 200 men who are residents of Gaza accepted Jesus as their personal Savor. This same group reportedly had residents that saw visions of Christ in their dreams. The dreams are what prompted their questions to Saada’s group. Mr. Saada is continuing to pray and witness to those in the Gaza Strip and says that he expects God to do something big in the region. He says that he expects the harvest to be “huge”. (Please continue to pray for Mr. Saada and all those preaching the gospel to the lost around the world!)



SNBC NEWS HEALTH REPORT: Bee Pollen and its natural health properties
Various trends tend to catch the attention of consumers from time to time. Determining the popularity, it can be something that lasts long term especially if the product is deemed apart of a previously successful product. Bee pollen has gained popularity in some health circles, due to its health properties. It may gain popularity due to honey being such a popular item since Biblical times. Bee pollen is considered a supplement and a new superfood. It is considered a good source of amino acids, antioxidants, and vitamins. This substance has been used since the time of Ancient Rome and can be found used in other ancient civilizations. Bee pollen can be purchased at health food stores and treats several issues. According to research it helps with respiratory illness, lowers cholesterol, helps with allergies,  and reduces inflammation. It can be consumed in drinks or eaten mixed into other foods (ex. Smoothies, salads, etc.) If you have an allergic reaction to bees, please contact a trusted healthcare provider before consuming bee pollen, however for those without any allergies, it is considered safe to consume.






Shooter attempts attack on Lakewood Church in Texas
Police have identified the shooter who attempted an attack on Lakewood Church in Texas.
The shooter was identified as Genesse Moreno. Moreno is a female but has also identified as Jeffery Moreno and claimed to be transgender. According to reports the shooter suffered from severe mental health issues and had a criminal record dating back to the early 2000s. Moreno brought her 7-year-old biological son along with her during the attack. The child was injured in the shooting and is currently in critical condition. Police reported one parishioner was injured in the attack. Moreno was killed; the shooter was carrying a long rifle that had stickers on the weapon in support of Palestine. She also apparently raged against Israel and the Jewish people in a rant prior to the incident. According to Moreno’s former mother-in-law the shooter was not antisemitic but was fixated on the Israel-Hamas conflict which she believes was due to her severe mental illness. Several neighbors and Moreno’s former in laws also noted they had reached out to authorities for help with no success. The shooting occurred in between Lakewood Church’s 11am and 2pm services on Sunday, February 11th. Pastor Joel Osteen thanked first responders for their efforts and says the church is grateful to God for the shooting not being worse than it was.

Pediatrician group issues statement condemning gender surgeries for minors
The American College of Pediatricians says teens being allowed to consider themselves the opposite gender does not lead to better outcomes, especially concerning mental health. The group released the statement recently. Following 60 studies on the matter, the group concluded that medical professionals and parents should not allow this kind of medical procedures on minors due to various variables in the patient’s lives. This includes mental health issues, family dysfunction, and other underlying factors. The group also released a statement in 2016 asking educators and legislators to reject the belief that a child identifying with the opposite gender is beneficial to their well-being.  The group referenced several medical groups and governments in Europe that have banned gender transition treatments for children 18 and under for the reasons previously mentioned. Here in the U.S., minors are allowed to have gender altering surgeries under the age of 18. Now several of those patients are suing medical facilities for allowing these procedures. In all of these cases the former patients say they were too young to make such a major decision.

Pictured: Pastor Chris Avell & wife Lisa Avell

SNBC NEWS UPDATE: criminal charges against a pastor in Ohio are expected to be dismissed soon According to reports, the city of Bryan, Ohio has moved to have all charges dismissed against Pastor Chris Avell. Pastor Avell was charged with 18 criminal offenses for housing homeless residents of the city in his church. The city officials claim the pastor violated several zoning laws by allowing people to stay in the church as a makeshift shelter. Attorneys for Pastor Avell say he was charged following several threats from the city. Pastor Avell says he had previously tried to work with the city concerning these issues. The pastor revealed in a statement that the city’s police department had been working with the ministry to house victims of domestic violence, prior to the city official’s harassment of the church. The city of Bryan, Ohio’s officials have not commented on the potential dismissal of this case.

SNBC Health report: Vitamin B may be beneficial to protecting the body against air pollution
According to a study, Vitamin B can prevent damage from fine particulate matter or air pollutants. A study followed several volunteers ranging from ages 18 to 60. The researchers administered half the group a placebo, and the other half was given a supplement rich in various forms of Vitamin B. The subjects were exposed to areas that contained smog and clean air. The research found subjects administered Vitamin B showed more protection compared to the placebo group. Vitamin B is also beneficial to mental health, brain health, eyesight, digestion, heart health, and cell health. Various forms of vitamin B can be found naturally in dark leafy greens, eggs, mushrooms, beef, bananas, and cantaloupe.
